Pre and Postnatal Nutrition

A healthy diet is essential for anyone, but especially during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Following nutritional guidelines set by The Rise Nutrition & Wellness that has pre and postnatal nutrition certification promotes optimal health for mom and baby.

Dairy Foods

Dairy foods are a good source of protein, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals that are important for prenatal nutrition. Research shows that maternal dairy food intake has positive effects on fetal growth and infant birthweight. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that women consume 3 servings per day (s/d) of milk, cheese, and yogurt.

The vast majority of dairy foods are made from the milk of cows, but a variety of other animals can provide milk for dairy products, including goats, sheep, buffalo, and camels. Milk is also available in non-dairy options, such as soymilk and nut milks, but these foods are not considered to be dairy since they don’t contain milk protein.

Most people think of milk, ice cream, and cheese when they think of dairy foods. These are often viewed as indulgent treats, but they are also important sources of nutrients, particularly calcium. Getting enough calcium is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are many ways to get this amount of calcium, but the best way is through dairy foods like yogurt and fortified milk, which are easier to digest than whole or skim milk.

In addition to being an excellent source of calcium, dairy is also a source of protein and vitamin D. In order to ensure that you are getting enough dairy, it is recommended that you choose low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt. It is also important to avoid raw or unpasteurized dairy products, as these may be a source of foodborne illness. Dairy products that are all pasteurized, which ensures that they are safe for consumption during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

A recent study showed that higher dairy foods intake was associated with a lower risk of postpartum depression. The authors controlled for both physical activity and Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) score, in an effort to assess possible effect modification. The results suggest that higher intake of dairy products may reduce the risk of PPD, but further longitudinal and intervention studies are needed.

Whole Grains

Grain foods like wheat, barley, quinoa, brown rice and oats provide important nutrients like fiber and B vitamins. They should be eaten regularly to help keep you full and energized. Choose whole grains instead of refined grain products, such as white bread or wheat flour. When choosing packaged grains, look for the words “whole grain” or for a 100% Whole Grains Council stamp on the label.

The term whole grain refers to the entire seed of a cereal or pseudocereal, which includes the bran, germ and endosperm. This is in contrast to refined grains which only retain the endosperm. Whole grains contain important dietary fiber, B vitamins and other minerals that are not found in refined grain products.

Eating a diet rich in whole grains may help to reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Whole grains are also rich in fiber and can contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Studies have shown that a higher intake of whole grains is associated with a lower birth weight and a decreased risk of gestational diabetes.

Whole grains are found in a variety of foods such as cereals, breads, pasta, muffins, breakfast cereals and rice. They are a great source of fiber, iron and B vitamins. In addition, some studies have shown that consuming whole grains during pregnancy may have positive effects on the vaginal and anal microbiome of women.

A recent study showed that a high intake of whole grains during pregnancy was associated with a reduced risk of overweight and obesity in offspring at age 7 years. This was true even after controlling for maternal sociodemographic, lifestyle and dietary factors.

The current dietary guidelines recommend that most of the grains eaten each day should be whole. When choosing packaged grain foods, read the ingredients list on the back and make sure that the word whole appears before any grain ingredient is listed. This will indicate that the product is a whole grain. It is important to note that fortified foods can not be considered as a whole grain because the process changes the structure of the grain and adds sugar.


The Fourth Trimester and breastfeeding are nutritionally demanding times, and a high quality postnatal vitamin is an important part of any new mom's health routine. Look for a multivitamin that has added iron in a form that's less likely to cause constipation (like iron bisglycinate) and also includes vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health and immune function. You'll also want to make sure your postnatal vitamin contains folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for baby brain development.

Postnatal supplement that's free of traditional fillers and preservatives and formulated using whole foods. It contains nutrients critical for new mothers like iodine, B vitamins, and choline to support breastfeeding. It doesn't contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are found in many prenatal vitamins because they help babies' brains develop, but you can use its supplemental DHA and Choline supplement to meet your needs.

Other postnatal supplements are available in liquid, gummy, and chewable forms that are easier to swallow than tablets and can be taken with food. Look for ones that are formulated with specialized ingredients to address specific issues, such as those to help boost milk supply, promote healthy c-section recovery, shake the baby blues, and more.

Their are who offers a prenatal and postnatal blend of supplements that's free of artificial flavors and colors and also undergoes independent third-party testing for contaminants. This formula contains nutrients like hydrolyzed collagen protein, a plant-based source of iron, and omega-3 fatty acids to help with cellular energy production and mood stability.

For lactating mothers, it's essential to get adequate choline, which is key for baby brain development and also helps support the nervous system. You can get it from animal products, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy, but most new mothers will need to supplement with a dose of 550 mg a day. You'll also want to ensure your postnatal vitamins have vitamin B12, a nutrient that is only found in animal products and can be difficult to obtain on a vegan or vegetarian diet.


Minerals are the building blocks of the earth and a vital part of pre and postnatal nutrition. There are over 4,000 different minerals that can be found in the body. Minerals are found in food, water, and in some cases, supplements. The most important minerals for pregnancy are calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc. The first three are needed for bone and tooth formation, while the last two help with the development of a baby’s immune system and nervous system.

To be considered a mineral, it must have a crystalline structure that is regular in its composition and form. It must also have certain distinctive properties such as hardness, luster, color, streak, tenacity and cleavage, which are used to identify minerals. In addition, it must be inorganic (not made by a living organism) and solid. The only exception is native mercury, which is a liquid at normal temperatures. Besides these rules, most reference sources and scientific books recognize several naturally occurring amorphous substances as minerals.

Scientists have long struggled to classify all of the many mineral species. For example, some have argued that olivine, anorthite and hornblende should be considered separate minerals because of their different chemical compositions. Other scientists have tried to use key chemical constituents, crystal structure and atomic arrangements to distinguish between different minerals. However, these criteria are not universally accepted.

Some of the most common minerals include quartz, mica, feldspar and talc. These are known as silicate minerals and make up the majority of the Earth’s crust. They are composed of silicon and oxygen atoms with varying degrees of iron, aluminium, magnesium and calcium oxides or phosphates.

Other minerals are more complex with a combination of elements. These are usually more reactive and tend to be harder to produce. They are typically formed by the decomposition of other minerals or metamorphosed by heat, pressure, chemical reaction or other geologic processes. They are often classified according to their specific chemical composition and atomic arrangement such as calcite, gypsum or selenite.

Minerals are found in all types of foods and are essential for a pregnant woman’s diet. In addition to the five key minerals mentioned above, choline is another important prenatal nutrient. It helps the brain function properly and supports the production of DNA, which is important for a growing baby. A variety of foods rich in choline can be found, including eggs, milk and fortified dairy, tuna and salmon. There are also a number of pre and postnatal vitamin supplements available.

A healthy diet is essential for anyone, but especially during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Following nutritional guidelines set by The Rise Nutrition & Wellness that has pre and postnatal nutrition certification promotes optimal health for mom and baby. Dairy Foods Dairy foods are a good source of protein, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals…